We aim and provide 100% accurate translated text as to linguistic, technical and cultural point of view. Our strengths are - perfect synonyms and resounding target language.

We preserve the author's writing style, force & emotions in the translated text. Integrity of the original document is preserved. We maintain a dictionary of common terminology used in your projects for consistency and accuracy. We edit each project while translating to assure that the work communicate clearly and effectively in the global marketplace.

For our professional work we come highly recommended by the reviewers & editors.

Special Interest and General Topics covered by us:

Advertising, Brochures, Business Cards, Banking, Finance, Annual Reports

Business, Accounting, Commerce, Management

Contracts, Patents, Legal Documentation

Computers: Hardware, I.T. Networks, Software, Technical Manuals






Editing & Proofreading

All errors including grammar, spelling, word order and punctuation are corrected without any changes in sentence structure or writing style. If needed, sentences are rewritten to enhance clarity.

Proofreading and editing are automatically performed for every document to ensure accuracy and Cost Effectiveness.

Prompt & Flexible delivery:

We are the professional deadline beaters. Using modern technology, the work is returned quickly. Work can be sent by e-mail, modem, fax, FedEx or snail-mail. Electronic files can be send in required formats / word processing program. Special requirements can also be generally met.

Please call for a quotation.

Phone: 416 225 2415

Hindi alphabets, Punjabi alphabets, Gujarati alphabets, Web authoring, Translation, Editing, Proofreading